
Additional information for the TCC community in the event of an emergency, inclement weather and more. 

高温警告生效- 7月9日 & 10, 2024 

更新(2024年7月9日): The National Weather Service has extended its Heat Advisory to 5 p.m., July 10 due 预计市区气温将转暖.

The Tacoma-area weather is heating up; forecasters are expecting temperatures around 96 degrees Fahrenheit on Tuesday, July 9.  You’re invited to keep cool at TCC, along with your friends and family members. The college has two Cooling Centers set up to help you beat the heat. 

Students who need a cool and quiet place to study 被邀请前往 Building 7 Library 当温度飙升时. 学生,员工和他们的朋友和家人 被邀请前往 11号楼学生中心.

The cooling centers will provide a low-temperature environment and cold drinks. 

A few things to note: 

  • The Building 7 Cooling Center is for current students who want to work in a quiet space only. Friends and family members are welcome to go to Building 11.
  • TCC does not allow animals in buildings, except for service animals. Please leave 你家里的宠物,参考这些 关于在炎热天气照顾宠物的安全提示.
  • If you have COVID-19 symptoms, including fever, sore throat, cough, body aches, and 其他症状,请不要进入冷却中心.
  • The cooling centers will be open once the outside temperature reaches 90 degrees Fahrenheit 每天下午5点关门.

以下是一份全面的 皮尔斯县周围的冷却中心 我能帮你找一个离你近的地方吗. 



  • Seek shade. 限制阳光直射的时间.
  • Shift outdoor activities to the cooler morning and evening hours.
  • Avoid sunburn. Use a sunscreen lotion with a high SPF (sun protection factor) rating.
  • 戴上湿围巾、大手帕或湿衬衫. 这可以帮助你快速降温.
  • 穿轻便的衣服.
  • Drink plenty of water. 不要等到渴了才喝.
  • Avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol and lots of sugar—they dehydrate you.

Reduce heat indoors.

  • 盖好早晨或下午能接受阳光的窗户.
  • 闭门散热. 如果一个房间比家里其他地方更热, 关上门,把热量留在那个房间里.
  • 关掉电灯,限制电子产品的使用. 这些装置产生热量.
  • 少用烤箱或炉子. 加热烹饪会增加内部温度.
  • 在风扇下面放一碗冰. 风扇可以使被冰冷却的空气流通.
  • 如果可能的话,呆在最低层. 如果你住的是多层公寓,那就住在最底层 关卡是最酷的.
  • Stay inside during the hottest times of the day— afternoon and early evening.
  • Eat light meals. 避免吃热的和油腻的食物——它们会给你的身体增加热量.
  • 洗冷水澡或冷水浴.


  • 看看你的老邻居和亲戚. 鼓励他们保持凉爽和水分.
  • Never leave children, people with mobility challenges, or pets in parked cars.
  • Water temperatures in Puget Sound can be dangerously cold. 选择一个安全的地方 to swim—visit a local pool or beach with a lifeguard on duty and always wear a life 穿上外套,遵循这些建议 injury prevention

Stay cool, Titans! 


The TCC Alert emergency notification system is operated by Omnilert. You must "opt-in" to this service. You will be notified in the case of an emergency, such as campus 关门、恶劣天气等等. 您必须选择希望收到通知的方式 via text and/or email (we highly recommend both, especially text, for the most timely notification). If you haven't checked on your account recently, we encourage you to 这样做是为了确保你的联系信息是最新的. 


Inclement weather: Decisions are usually made the night before or by 5:30am on the 影响日常操作. Please note that unanticipated weather or emergency conditions 可能会改变这个时间表. It is our goal to notify the community as early as possible. 

Emergency situation: You will receive a TCC Alert via text and email. Follow those instructions. 更多信息将通过TCC Alert和TCC跟进 FacebookTwitter, website and this webpage, email and our hotline at 253-460-2001. Check those channels 频繁更新. We encourage you to become familiar with all of these communication 事件发生前的频道.

Emergency Responses 



Safety Links



Tamyra Howser, Executive Director, Marketing + Communications
Phone: 253-566-6050
Email: thowser@blinetrucking.com

Rachel Payne,高级沟通专家
Phone: 253-460-4381
Email: rpayne@blinetrucking.com